Agricultural & Wildlife Fencing


Are you in the market for agricultural and wildlife fences? You’ve come to the right place. Black Fern Fencing in Kaycee, WY, is a name that you can trust to install your new fence properly.


High-game wildlife fences are crafted to deter wild animals from entering your property, and our team is dedicated to ensuring this is a top priority. Constructed from high-tensile wire, these fences are robust enough to endure the force and weight of larger animals, such as deer or elk, that may try to leap over them. They are also sufficiently tall to prevent such attempts.

In regions where human development has altered animal migration routes, high-game wildlife fences serve as a valuable tool. They create a boundary that can guide animals towards safer areas, thereby minimizing the chances of human-wildlife encounters. These fences are low-maintenance and offer an effective solution to secure your property while maintaining its aesthetic appeal.

Wildlife Fence – Sheridan, WY – Black Fern Fencing LLC
Electric Fence -  Kaycee, WY – Black Fern Fencing LLC


Electric fences are commonly used in agricultural settings to keep livestock contained and safe from animals that may be trying to get onto your property. Electric fences work by sending a high-voltage pulse of electricity through the wire or tape at regular intervals. When an animal touches the fence, the shock is delivered, causing them to retreat.


There are two main types of electric fences: permanent and temporary. Permanent electric fences are installed using specialized posts and wiring, while temporary electric fences use portable posts and reels to create a movable enclosure. Electric fences are a popular choice for farmers and ranchers because they are relatively inexpensive, easy to install, and require little maintenance. Our team will make sure everything is properly installed and ready to keep your livestock and home safe.


A high-tensile woven fence is recognized for its robustness and low maintenance requirements. Constructed from tightly woven high-tensile wire, it forms a resilient barrier capable of enduring severe weather conditions. This fencing solution is frequently employed in agricultural and rural environments to securely contain livestock within specified boundaries.

The fence's ability to resist substantial pressure without yielding or deforming is a notable advantage, particularly in regions prone to strong winds or significant snowfall. Its flexible woven structure also contributes to reducing fence damage and lessening the likelihood of animal injuries. Prices begin at $5 per foot.

High Tensile Woven Fence – Sheridan, WY – Black Fern Fencing LLC
Pipe Fencing -  Sheridan, WY – Black Fern Fencing LLC


Pipe fencing has become a popular choice for fencing, particularly for farmers and ranchers. Part of this is due to its durability and longevity. It is made by using pipes of various sizes and shapes to create a fence sturdy enough to keep livestock in and predators out. Pipe fencing is also known for its aesthetic appeal, as it can be painted in a variety of colors to match the surrounding landscape.


This type of fencing is often used in areas with brutal weather conditions, making it a practical and cost-effective option for those who need a long-lasting fence. Another benefit is that it requires very little maintenance, making it an ideal choice for those who do not have the time or resources to maintain a traditional wooden fence.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about our agricultural wildlife offerings! 

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